Lefty Kreh
Bernard Victor Kreh, also known as Lefty Kreh, was born in 1925 in Frederick, Maryland. After returning home from serving in the US Army in the 69th Infantry Division during World War II, Lefty found employment at Fort Dietrich. During that time, Lefty...
Matt King
Article in progressMatt King is a professional fly tyer and part-owner of Robinson's Outdoor store located in Downtown Victoria, British Columbia. He is a signature tyer for Umpqua Feathers and his patterns have been featured in numerous publications....
- Bob Clouser
- Lefty kreh
- Bill Peabody
- Joe Brooks
- Blonde fly
- Dave Whitlock
- Bob Popavic
- Syd glasso
- Gunnar Brammer
- Blane Choklett
- Meagan Boyd
- Matt King
- King’s Foam Dragon
- King’s Alevin
- Size 10 streamer hook
- Tie in 2x shank length white yarn tail at the bend of the hook so half of yarn is a tail and the other half can be tide along the shank later
- Tie in green/blue flash tinsel
- Tie the yaw along the body to the head, leaving room for the head of the fly
- Palmer the tinself to the head
- Add salmon egg orange or red (chum/coho) throat for yoke
- Add Epoxy eyes
- King’s Salmon Fry
- Red thread
- Body: Silver body tubing
- Wing: White, under light green under dark green fibres, under flash
- Grizzly hackle side feather, length of body, tied at head
- Throat: Barred white+black feather
- epoxy eyes
- King’s Prince Nymph
- King’s Rat
- King’s Stonefly
- King’s Double Bead Pearl Stonefly
- Kaufmann’s Stimulator
- King’s Hot Butt Prawn
- Intruder shank
- hot butt ball of chenille
- Steelhead blue marabou
- Black ostrich
- Black marabou
- Kelly Galloup